Aims and Scope
Jordan Journal of Nursing Research (JJNR) is a quarterly, open-access peer reviewed, scientific journal
that focuses on promoting scholarly work that advances and supports the discipline of nursing.
The Journal aims to promote the exchange and dissemination of knowledge that is relevant to all spheres of nursing (adult health, community, mental health, pediatric, maternity, geriatric…), midwifery, health policy and health-related issues. Further, JJNR seeks original manuscripts that explore ideas,
issues, and innovations that contribute to knowledge development and best practices in nursing worldwide.
Open Access Policy
Jordan Journal of Nursing Research (JJNR) is an Open Access Journal that is committed to dissemination of knowledge that
is relevant to nursing, midwifery, health policy and health-related issues as widely as possible. The journal does not require Article Processing
Charges (APCs). The publications are available online at no charge to readers or institutions. No subscription is required for online access.
Even though the documents are copyrighted and protected, the readers are permitted to use the material for any lawful purpose; including downloading,
copying, making derivative works, printing, searching, or linking to the full texts of works. No licensor/licensee relationship shall exist between
the publisher or provider of the online publication and the individual user or institution.
Manuscript Categories and Requirements
- Original Articles
Word limit: 4,000 words maximum excluding references, tables and figures.
Font size: 12 times new roman.
Tables: 4 maximum; Figures: 2 maximum.
Abstract: 250 words maximum, no abbreviations. Structured under the sub-headings: Background; Objectives; Methods; Results; Conclusions; Implications for Nursing.
Main text structure: Introduction; Background including literature; Methods including design; measurements; data collection and ethical consideration and analysis; Results; Discussion; Implications to Nursing; Conclusion; References; Tables; and Figures.
The main text of the manuscript need to be line numbered ( please do line numbering for every page) before it is uploaded and submitted.
References: 30 maximum.
Impact Statement: should contain 2-3 bullet points under the heading 'What does this paper add?'
- Review Articles
Literature reviews on any area of research relevant to nursing issues are welcomed.
Word limit: 5000 words maximum excluding references, tables and figures.
Font size: 12 times new roman.
Tables: 4 maximum; Figures: 2 maximum.
Main text structure: Introduction, Aims, Methods, Results, Discussion and implications, Conclusion.
References: 40 maximum
- Commentaries
Expert opinion on a current understanding/status of a specific issue in nursing or related area. No abstract; limit references to 5 or less; 1,500 words maximum.
- Editorial
Opinion on timely or general interest topics, or to provide an overview of an issue. Usually by members of editorial board or someone invited by the Editors. No abstract; limit references to 5 or less; 1,500 words maximum.
Preparing Your Submission
- Parts of the Manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted in accordance with the APA manual 7th edition in separate files: title page; main text file without author information.
- Title Page
The title page should be submitted in a separate file and contains:
- A short informative title (max. 25 words) containing the major key words.
- A short running title of less than 50 characters.
- All authors' full names.
- All authors' institutional affiliations.
- Corresponding author’s contact address and email.
- Acknowledgments [Contributions from individuals who do not meet the criteria to be listed as an author should be acknowledged, with permission from them. Financial support can also be acknowledged as well.
- Conflict of Interest Statement: The journal requires that all authors declare any potential sources of conflict of interest. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise that might be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest.
- Funding or sources of financial support.
- Authorship
The list of authors should accurately illustrate who contributed to the work and how. All those listed as authors should qualify for authorship according to the following criteria:
- Have made substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
- Been involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
- Given final approval of the version to be published. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content.
- Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Please indicate Author contributions “initials of authors for each of the following parts” at the end of the title page:
- Study design
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Study supervision
- Manuscript writing
- Critical revisions for important intellectual content
- Main Text File
The main text file should be presented in the following order:
- Title, abstract and key words
- Main text
- References
- Tables
- Figures
- Keywords
Please provide up to 6 keywords.
- References
References should be prepared according to the APA Manual 7th edition.
- Tables
Tables should be self-contained and complement, not duplicate for the information presented in the text. They should be supplied as editable files, not pasted as images. All abbreviations must be defined in footnotes.
- Figures
The highest-quality figures are encouraged.
Thank you for your interest in the Jordan Journal of Nursing Research. This submission implies that the content of the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed, so the main text file should not include any information that might identify the authors.
Once you have prepared your manuscript in accordance with the Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at https://jjnr.just.edu.jo
Author Licensing and Copyright
If your manuscript is accepted, the formal corresponding author will be required to complete a copyright license agreement on behalf of all authors of the paper. The signed Copyright Form confirms that the submitted manuscript in not submitted, published, or accepted for publication anywhere else. The signed copyright form also transfers publication copyrights to the JJNR.
Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations
Research Ethics and Patient Consent
Submitted manuscripts to JJNR should conform to the guidelines of COPE- The Committee on Publication Ethics.
(http://publicationethics.org). All manuscripts reporting human studies must conform to the recognized ethical standards;
and indicate in the methodology section that the relevant Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board provided (or waived)
approval. Please ensure that you have provided the full name and institution of the review committee. Authors are also required
to state in the methodology section whether participants provided informed consent. In regard to patient information,
a statement is required regarding whether written informed consent for patient information and images to be published was
provided by the patient(s) or a legally authorized representative.
Editorial Review and Acceptance
The quality and originality of the manuscript and its contribution to the literature are the criteria for the acceptance of any paper. Manuscripts will only be sent to reviewers if the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Journal editorial board determines that the paper meets the criteria of quality, relevance, and the Journal submission requirements. Multiple or redundant publication is not allowed.
Publication Ethics
- Each paper is reviewed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers to ensure the high standard and quality of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board members and the Reviewers are the body to ultimately decide which papers are publishable in the JJNR. Their decision is based on a number of factors: compliance with formal requirements, relevance of the paper in terms of aim and scope of journal, use of scientific procedures and methods, language quality etc. Unpublished papers shall be returned to the author with a formal statement justifying the refusal.
- Papers authored by Editor-in-chief or members of Editorial Board members are sent to external reviewers and handled by the editor-in-chief or one of editorial board members, who are unaffiliated with the author or institution, and monitored like any other paper to make sure that there is no bias.
- Note that this Journal uses Turnitin Cross Check software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. The editorial board does not accept any type of plagiarism. This means that any work that replicates another author's work without acknowledging him/her shall be automatically disqualified. All authors submitting their papers to JJNR affirm that their papers are their own creations and have not been copied in whole or in part from other works.
- Manuscripts that use GenAI for intellectual work such as development of research questions, data collection and analysis, writing results, discussion and conclusion will not be accepted.
Authors who use GenAI should declare the use of GenAI. The editorial board members of the JJNR reserve the right to reject any manuscript that utilize GenAI without declaring so.
Appeals to Decisions on Manuscripts
Any appeal against a decision on a manuscript should be filed within 21 days of the receipt of the decision. The appeal should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and submitted through JJNR email:
jjnr@just.edu.jo. The letter should address specific points of disagreement with the decision. The appeal will then be assessed by the editorial board members, led by the Editor-in-Chief, and informed by the reviewers’ comments. The outcome of the appeal, which will be final, will be communicated to the corresponding author within 45 days.
Authors will receive an e-mail for galley proof including files for the final manuscript after production along with inquiry files if needed. Proofs must be returned within 72 hours of receipt of the email.
Correction to Authorship
In accordance with the COPE practices and guidance, Jordan Journal of Nursing Research will allow authors to correct authorship on a submitted, accepted, or published article if a reasonable request is presented. All authors of the manuscript must agree to any proposed change. To request a change to the author list, an email should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief through JJNR email:
Early View
The Jordan Journal of Nursing Research applies the Early View service.
Early View articles are complete full-text articles that are published online before their publication in a printed issue. Early View articles are complete and final; but they do not yet have volume, issue or page numbers. They have undergone the whole process of publication. These articles are given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), through which they can be cited. Thus, no changes can be made after they are published as early view.
Publication Process After Acceptance
Proofs: Authors will receive an e-mail notification for accessing page proofs. Manuscript should be carefully proofread for any copyediting or typesetting errors.
Editorial Office Contact Details
For queries about submissions, please contact