Jordan Journal of Nursing Research
Reviewer Guidelines
Value of Peer Review
Double blind reviews help authors improve their work and assist the Editor in the editorial process. Scholars who serve as reviewers for JJNR are all national and international experts who have experience in the research process as well as the specialty content of the manuscript. Their comments provide important guidance for authors to strengthen their work and support publication of the best evidence contributing to the mission of JJNR.

Policies related to Peer Review Process
  • Reviewers are selected, based on their experience in the content of the manuscript, by editor-in-chief or editorial board members from the data base in which reviewers form inside and outside Jordan register as potential reviewers for JJNR.
  • The Journal applied a double blind-review process for all submitted articles: research, review, and short communication. Each paper is reviewed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers to ensure the high standards and quality of the Journal. Authors’ identities are masked from reviewers and reviewers’ identities are masked from authors. Supplementary material if applicable is subjected to review. The Journal do not operate Transparent Peer Review model.
  • The Journal do not ask authors to recommend reviewers.
  • The reviews are anonymous and are not posted with articles.
  • Editorials do not undergo peer review; they are reviewed by editor-in-chief or a member of the editorial board. The same is applied to commentaries unless the commentary topic needs specialized reviewers to review.
  • The quality and originality of the manuscript and its contribution to the literature are the criteria for the acceptance of any paper. Manuscripts will only be sent to reviewers if the Editor-in-Chief or members of the editorial board determines that the paper meets the criteria of the journal. Multiple or redundant publication is not allowed.

Peer Review Process
The review process is supported by an on-line manuscript management system. Authors submit their papers to the JJNR website. Reviewers access assigned manuscripts and submit their reviews via the system where the Editor-in- Chief or members of the editorial board access all materials.

Conflict of Interest
If you have a conflict of interest related to an assigned manuscript, we ask that you decline to review the manuscript; we will reassign it. A conflict of interest may include (a) personal conflict [a good or bad relationship with the author or institution], (b) financial conflict, (c) intellectual conflict [a strong interest in seeing the research published or not published], or (d) other conflict that you identify.

All material in the manuscript is confidential. Please do not share the manuscript or its contents with anyone else.

Review Overview
Organization and Content
There are three parts of your review: (a) reviewer recommendation, (b) confidential comments to editor, and (c) comments to author.

Reviewer Recommendation
Based on overall assessment of manuscript quality and importance of the topic, reviewers submit their recommendation for the manuscript to be considered by the editor. Options are to accept, accept with major revision, accept with minor revision, or reject. The recommendations of each reviewer are confidential and accessed only by the editor and the author; other reviewers do not have access to these recommendations and they are not communicated to them.

Confidential Comments to the Editor
Please provide comments to the editor if you have confidential comments that you want only the editor to look at such as concerns about misconduct regarding the manuscript or duplicate publication or overlapping publication; or any other concern that you may have and want to submit confidentially.

Comments to the Author
Please do not include your recommendation about publication in the Comments to the Author; and do not indicate any information that reveals your identity as well. Comments to the author should address comments on major sections of the manuscript: Problem Statement, Background and Literature, Research design and method, Data analysis, Results, Discussion, Organization and style of presentation.

Thank You
Thank you for your continuing support of JJNR. Your service is invaluable to the review process of JJNR and the advancement of nursing profession.