Jordan Journal of Nursing Research

Paper Detail

Death Anxiety and its Relationship to Demographic Data for Cancer Patients at Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia: A Correlational Study

Volume 3, No. 2, 2024
(Received: 2024/02/05, Accepted: 2024/03/15)

 Views: 732
 Downloads: 310


maha eskandar;


Death anxiety, cancer patients, demographic data, cancer.


Background: Diagnosing cancer and undergoing therapeutic measures are accompanied by an intense state of death anxiety.  Objectives: This study aimed to investigate death anxiety and its relationship to demographic data for cancer patients at Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia. Methods: Quantitative study was used in the current study. A descriptive, correlational design was used in the current study. The study used a convenience sampling method. The total number of the participants was 100 cancer patients. The patients were selected from Tishreen University Hospital in Lattakia /Syria. Death anxiety scale was used as a tool for data collection. Results: The results showed a moderate level of death anxiety among participants, and there was a statistically significant relationship between death anxiety and gender. Conclusions: Having cancer affects the level of death anxiety among patients and it appears to be higher among females than males. Implications for Nursing: Studying the relationships between sociodemographic characteristics and the level of death anxiety in cancer patients will help individualize education about psychological problems associated with cancer. Healthcare professionals must evaluate patients' needs and personal characteristics before starting to perform psychological interventions.