Jordan Journal of Nursing Research

Paper Detail

The Role of Using Social Media and Technology Applications in Continuous Health Education Programs Following COVID-19 Crisis

Volume 2, No. 3, 2023
(Received: 2023/06/17, Accepted: 2023/07/17)

 Views: 627
 Downloads: 225


Shereen Hamadneh;


Learning strategies, health policy, education, crisis, public, community, digital technology, evidence-based-practice


Social media became widespread in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis. This paper reviews the available recent literature to evaluate the role of social media and technology applications on continuous health education programs following COVID-19 crisis. This paper concludes that a combination of didactic learning strategies using face-to-face and distance education may provide an additional benefit. Especially with the adaptation of new technology applications. There is a fundamental need for new strategies to keep health professionals active and to engage health care providers in professional development programs, particularly in remote and isolated areas. Evidence-based practice requires further development, generating dialogue and engagement with stakeholders. Collaboration with partners from local and international associations may gain political support that will provide better achievements.