Jordan Journal of Nursing Research

Paper Detail

Nurses' Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices Regarding the Use of Respiratory Protective Equipment during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Volume 2, No. 2, 2023
(Received: 2023/02/11, Accepted: 2023/05/23)

 Views: 455
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Aladeen Alloubani; Majeda AlRuzzieh;


2019-nCOV; Nurses; Knowledge; Perceptions; practice; Respiratory Protective Equipment


Background: Nurses are at high risk of several respiratory risks comprising respiratory pathogens. So, respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is vital to protect nurses from novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreaks.

Aim: The current study aimed to examine the knowledge level, practice, and perceptions among nurses in a specialized cancer center using RPE.

Methods: A descriptive study design was used. Occupational Safety and Health Administration questionnaire was utilized to collect data. The data were collected from 387 nurses working at a specialized cancer center as a convenience sampling technique.

Results: An overall number of 387 staff nurses participated in the study. The majority of nurses had moderate knowledge levels, the mean total score of nurses' knowledge was 12.98, with a range between 4 and 20. Also, the majority of nurses had good perceptions regarding the use of RPE (Total mean= 30.44, SD= 3.62). Regarding the practice, most of the nurses wash their hands after contact with the outer surface of the respirator (F= 357, 92.2%).

Conclusion: Implementation of RPE policy in hospitals could be useful to enhance the nurses' and other healthcare workers' knowledge, perceptions, and practices regarding RPE.